Reduce Free Radicals in Your Body with Soy
By Dr. Aaron Tabor, MD
Medical Research Director at Revival Soy
- While you are out working or playing this summer, the sun is causing oxidative damage to your skin, including your facial skin and the skin on the back of your hands. Oxidative damage is often the result of high levels of unhealthy free radicals in the body. Free radicals are unstable molecules that cause unhealthy effects to your body’s cells and are a natural by-product of your body’s metabolism. Getting enough antioxidants in your diet to promote healthier tissues is essential to reduce the unwanted effects of these free radicals.
Scientists have shown that soy has antioxidant properties and that eating soy can help to reduce free radicals (1-3). In rats fed soy isoflavones for 24 weeks, the activities of enzymes (named “superoxide dismutase” and “catalase”) that breakdown free radicals to harmless oxygen and water were increased (3). When the rats were fed soy foods, these benefits were even greater with increases in superoxide dismutase in the liver and skin. Similar benefits have been seen in human clinical trials. In one study, subjects were given a soy isoflavone extract with high levels of genistein for 4 weeks (1). The patients who took this isoflavone extract showed a decrease in markers of oxidative stress and an increase in total antioxidant capacity (i.e. better ability to neutralize free radicals). In a separate study, seven breast cancer survivors consumed an isoflavone-rich concentrate high in the soy isoflavone daidzein for 24 days and saw an increase in the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase of about 40% (2). The results of these studies suggest that soy with its isoflavones is able to reduce free radicals in the body.
So whether you are working in the yard or relaxing by the pool, don’t forget to include healthy soy protein rich in isoflavones as part of your daily routine to help improve your antioxidant status.
Revival Soy makes getting enough soy simple and delicious.
With Revival Soy, you can be sure you’re getting enough
soy isoflavones in your daily diet—without the soy taste.
And you can take comfort in knowing you’re using the #1
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studies and many patented benefits.
Just 1 small Revival shake or protein bar gives you the amount
of soy isoflavones found in 6 cups of a typical soymilk (160
milligrams). A recent panel of international soy experts recommended
up to 160 milligrams of soy isoflavones per day for all of the
health benefits of soy.
Revival Soy has partnered with CBN. Your purchase helps support
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1. Chen CY, Bakhiet RM, Hart V, Holtzman G. Isoflavones improve plasma homocysteine status and antioxidant defense system in healthy young men at rest but do not ameliorate oxidative stress inducedc by 80% VO2pk exercise. Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism 2005;49:33-41.
2. DiSilvestro RA, Goodman J, Dy E, LaValle G. Soy isoflavone supplementation elevates erythrocyte superoxide dismutase, but not ceruloplasmin in postmenopausal breast cancer survivors. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2005; 89:251-255.
3. Liu J, Chang SKC, Wiesenborn D. Antioxidant properties of soybean isoflavone extract and tofu in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005; 53:2333-2340.
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