In 1981, The Christian Broadcasting Network created a children's animated Bible series as part of an outreach to the nation of Japan. Little did we realize what impact the series would have in Japan and throughout the world. The English name for this series was "Superbook."
Research performed during and after the outreach showed that this series was an unprecedented success. Superbook, also known as Animated Parent and Child Theater, is an anime television series produced by Tatsunoko Productions in Japan in conjunction with The Christian Broadcasting Network in the United States. During its launch in Japan, it is estimated that over 4 million people watched each weekly episode of Superbook on television, resulting in the Bible becoming the best-selling book in that country.
From Japan, the Superbook series went on to air throughout the world from Asia to North America. By 1989, in the midst of economic and political turmoil, Superbook began broadcasting in the Soviet Union to astounding results. Superbook aired during primetime on the Soviet National Channel. CBN received over 6 million letters from children, introducing a whole new generation to the Bible. Even today, the Superbook Kids Club is one of the highest rated live-action children's programs in Ukraine.
Since first airing in Japan, the series has now been broadcast in over 106 countries, translated into 43 languages, and viewed by over 500 million people.
Because of today's new storytelling technology, the original series is losing appeal with this media-savvy generation. To solve this problem, CBN is producing a reimagined, computer generated, animated version of Superbook. Our goal is to produce a new series that will honor the life-changing legacy of the original series and re-introduce it to a new generation.
When you join the CBN Animation Club, you will automatically receive each new episode of Superbook. In addition, we will send you two free copies of each new episode in attractive packaging that you can give as gifts to others. Your tax-deductible gift will help produce future CBN Animation projects and bring the Word of God to children around the world. You can learn more about the CBN Animation Club here.
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