What the Bible Says About Suicide
– Suicide. The word has a frightening air of finality. Laden with hopelessness,
despair, and tragedy, it is a word that everyone wants to keep at arms' length.
"Only people who are really mixed up consider suicide," you've told yourself.
then one day that word entered your thoughts in a different way. You found yourself
in an unbearable situation. You felt trapped and powerless. Ultimately, "ending
it all" seemed to be the only answer. It isn't.
There is another solution. It's
found in the Bible, God's messageof love to you. This is your chance to discover
just how valuable you are and how your life can be transformed. Read on.
Where Are You Now?
Probably you've asked yourself, "How did I get to this point?"
The answer is ... gradually. Everyone goes through periods in their lives when they
feel down. Usually, in time, the sadness leaves and life goes on. But sometimes
a difficult situation, a strained relationship or some other problem leads to unhappiness that
won't go away.
When that happens, life can become a daily struggle with uneasiness, gloom,
and emptiness. Ultimately, depression and hopelessness can take hold, creating
a feeling of dissatisfaction with life in general.
Depression has many causes.
Often it is associated with a sense of loss that can be caused by a number of things
-- illness, the death of a loved one, sudden unemployment, divorce, and so on. A
chronic illness, or permanent disability, can rob you of your independence, making
you feel worthless, helpless, and angry. Losing someone you care about, through
death or divorce, can leave a tremendous void in your life.
Guilt is another
trigger for depression. Perhaps you're struggling with drug or alcohol abuse --
or some other habit, or behavior,that you are ashamed of. A childhood trauma may
have left you feeling damaged and unworthy of happiness. Maybe you just feel like
a failure because you haven't achieved all that you wanted in life.
the cause, depression often leads to a sense of hopelessness. You may feel as
though your life is out of control. You may think that ending your life is the
only way to take control. It's not.
Where Can You Go From Here?
can keep going the way you have been, knowing where that may lead. Or you can give
yourself a real chance for a better life. The fact that you're reading this shows
that you want another option. So, here it is.
There is only one real source
of hope for a life that possesses meaning, fulfillment, and joy. That source is
Jesus Christ. Speaking about His followers, Jesus said, "I have come that they
may have life, and have it to the full" (John 10:10). Through a personal relationship
with Jesus Christ, you can experience overflowing love, forgiveness, peace, and
joy in your life. That is a promise from God found in the Bible.
Does God promise
that you'll never have another problem? No. But He does pledge to give you the
power to face life's trials with confidence, knowing that He will cause all things
to work for your good. He promises either to deliver you from afflictions,or give
you the strength to endure them, according to His plan for you ... a plan that begins
with giving your life to Him.
By accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior and
choosing to follow Him you place Jesus on the throne of your life. Spiritually, you
become a new person because God's Holy Spirit comes to live within you. Jesus described
this experience as being "born again." And, best of all, with your new life in
Christ comes the right to spend eternity in God's presence. Why not get a Bible
right now and read these wonderful promises for yourself?
Look up these Scripture
verses: John 1:12; II Corinthians 5:17;I Corinthians 2:12; I John 5:11-13.
you have never made a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior,
you can do that right now and take the first step toward a new life. Simply pray
this prayer and mean it in your heart:
Lord Jesus, I ask you to come into
my life. I want to turn from living my life under my own control. Come now and
live your life in me. Cleanse me from my sins. I receive you as my Lord and my Savior.
I will live for you and serve you all the days of my life. Amen.
If you prayed that prayer, please send us an e-mail
to let us know. Or you can call The
700 Club Prayer Center
at (800) 759-0700. We would love to talk with you and send
you some literature to help you begin your walk with the Lord.
Jesus said,
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me" (Revelation 3:20). If you
just prayed and asked Him to come into your life, He did. And He promises to share
intimate friendship with you.
Now you need to do a few things.
First, begin
reading the Bible on a daily basis. Start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Find an easy to read, modern translation like the New International Version, the New American Standard or The Book (The New Living Translation).
Next, try to spend time in prayer every day. Just talk to God like you would a
good friend.
Finally, it's important that you find
a church that believes and teaches the Bible. This is critical
to your development as a Christian. Learn more by reading our
sheet on finding a church, and find
a local church in your area through the church
finder tool. For more information about your new relationship
with God, please feel free to call
The 700Club at 1-800-759-0700.
Remember this: God doesn't require you to be perfect. Rather, He desires your
heartfelt devotion and willingness to live accordingto His Word, the Bible.
What if You're Already a Christian?
Christians can feel depressed and have suicidal
thoughts too. It can happen for all of the same reasons mentioned above. The trials
of life touch everyone, including believers.
If the situation you are in is
something you can't change, know that God can intervene miraculously. As hard as
it may be to do, continue praying for God's help. Don't stop.
God does hear
our prayers, but His plan and ours aren't always the same. Trust Him to respond
in a way that will be to your best interest. That includes the possibility that
He will give you strength and peace to endure your trial rather than deliver you
from it. Some of God's greatest answers to prayer come in the form of peace and
joy in the midst of great hardship. Believe that He will see you through every
storm in your life.
Read these Scripture verses and make them your own declarations of
faith: Psalm 23; Psalm 28:7; Isaiah 43:2; Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:13.
your Heavenly Father to help you live in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Bible
is full of His promises to love, strengthen, heal, and guide. Begin reading God's
Word with a new purpose -- to discover new insights about God's love for you. Ask
the Holy Spirit to guide your journey and to reveal truths you've never seen before.
Accept the fact of God's love for you without relyingon your feelings.
these Scripture verses and receive them as God's message to you: John 3:16; Romans
5:8; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 41:10; Lamentations 3:22-23.
Also, be prepared to
acknowledge any sin that might be interfering in your relationship with your Heavenly
Father. Ask God to search your heart and pinpoint any problems. Then, confess and
repent of your disobedience and receive God's forgiveness.
Read these Scripture
verses for more understanding about dealing with sin: I John 1:9; Psalm 139:23-24;
Galatians 5:16-25.
Do Something to Help Yourself
Professional help
in the form of a qualified Christian counselor is one of the best ways to fight
depression and thoughts of suicide. Look in the phone book and make some calls.
Ask for references. A good counselor can help you get a new perspective on your
problems. Get a medical check-up. Sometimes depression can be caused bya chemical
imbalance or other biological factor.
Seek out a support group (starting with
your church) that ministers to the area of difficulty in your life. Interacting
with others who are facing similar challenges in their lives will help you feel less isolated.
Force yourself to do something the next time you feel down. Inactivity only
makes depression worse. Here are some things to try:
- Talk to someone.
Call a friend and share your feelings.
- Take a walk. Exercise causes your blood
and oxygen to circulate faster, which makes you feel invigorated. Your brain produces chemicals
called endorphins that fight depression.
- Do something to help someone else.
As you focus your attentionon another's needs, your own cares will become less
- Listen to music. Choose your favorite songs and sing along.
If you need ongoing support, we encourage
you to contact the pastor of your local church. With the guidance of your pastor,
you might also consider seeking professional Christian counseling. Here are some
national ministries that we can recommend:
The American Association of Christian Counselors
1-866-611-HELP (1-866-611-4357)
New Life Ministries
1-800-NEW-LIFE (1-800-639-5433)
Other helpful resources:
Dispelling the Myths about Suicide
Reaching Out to Survivors of Suicide
More teaching sheets
More from the Spiritual Life Channel
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