Madeline Balletta
President and Founder
Savoring Summer: Eat Healthy
for More Energy
“Sustainability.” It’s a popular buzzword
in international development work these days—and it should
be in your nutritional vocabulary, too!
Here’s why. Say you’d like to help a farming community
in a developing country. You might provide hand tools, tractors,
seed, or fertilizer. Each item would have a different impact on
the community – both in the short and long term. Suppose
you decide to bring enough fertilizer for the community to use
for a whole year. Their production nearly doubles! But that kind
of help isn’t “sustainable”; the next year’s
harvest will drop back down as they run out of fertilizer. And
what if you don’t come back with more fertilizer? They would
be worse off than when they started.
Our bodies are the same way. You may be running low on energy,
and you might consider different ways to cope. The easiest solution
– sugar or caffeine – will give you the immediate
‘boost’ you might be looking for. But a couple hours
later, you’re back where you started . . . or worse. Living
a “boost-to-boost” lifestyle will wear your body out
and deprive you of the natural energy you really need.
Believe it or not, the eating tips in this column will actually
help give you the “sustainable” energy to carry you
through your day without needing that “fix”. Break
out of the roller-coaster cycle of caffeine highs and lows, and
you’ll enjoy a more consistent, healthier and happier life.
We’re talking about the Four H’s of healthy eating
tips. Last week, we explored how everything you put into your
body needs to be Hygienic
and Healthy. Now, we turn to Hydrating and
When we get tired, the last place we point our finger is dehydration.
And yet, dehydration is one of the leading causes of fatigue.
Water is the most important nutrient (yes, nutrient) your body
needs, and those hours in the sun make it even more important
to get that water.
• Don’t mistake thirst for hunger. Next time you
think you want another round of potato chips, grab a glass of
water instead. Chances are that’s what your body really
• Avoid sodas and coffee. An ice-cold Coke might go perfectly
with that medium-rare Angus burger you’ve just sunk your
teeth into… but the caffeine and sugar detract from the
hydrating value of the water. If you can’t bear the thought
of going without, try a caffeine-free alternative.
• Avoid alcohol. Like caffeine, it doesn’t give your
body the water it needs.
Too many Americans are overeating. The solution is not forcing
yourself to eat less! Rather, you need to eat more hearty
Here’s why: your body craves good nutrition, whether you’re
eating well or not. If you eat less hearty food – snack
foods, junk foods, or low-protein foods – your body is not
satisfied for long. That’s when you reach for the snack
food – the food that holds your appetite off but doesn’t
really satisfy.
So if you’re not in college . . . don’t eat as if
you are!
• At work or play – reach for the salad, not the
potato chips. “Junk snacks” will fill your stomach
without feeding you, and you’ll be worse off for it.
• At home – break out the crock pot! If you find
yourself “on the go”, stews and other crock pot meals
are quick and easy to throw together in the morning, and satisfy
in the evening. The slow cooking process locks the flavor in with
the nutrition.
• Anywhere – supplement your food! Even a hearty
stew doesn’t give your body all that it needs. Taking vitamins
and nutritional supplements daily will help you sustain a “hearty”
diet. And, try joining the hundreds of thousands of people who
use Royal Jelly, a natural substance from the beehive that can
help provide added energy, stamina, and vitality.*
Make the Four H’s a habit to enjoy sustainable energy.
A healthier lifestyle helps you feel alive! Make a habit of the
Four H’s . . . today!
Read part one of this article, Savoring
Summer: Tips for Healthy Eating.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and
Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure, or prevent any disease. As with any natural product,
individual results will vary.
For more information about Bee-Alive or Royal Jelly, please visit
If you purchase Bee-Alive Royal Jelly products, part of the proceeds
support CBN ministries.
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