Dr. Harriet Hudson
Consultant to Bee-Alive
Coffee Talk: Is All
That Caffeine Really Keeping You On the Go?
Can we talk
about coffee? You love it, you need
it, you can't live without it. It keeps you going and gives you that
extra "jolt" of energy that you need, right? The truth is,
a lot of people are misled about the energizing benefits of coffee.
Pardon the pun, but maybe it's time we woke up and smelled the coffee!
If you love your java, you're not alone. Over 400 billion cups of coffee
are consumed every year, making it the world's most popular beverage. In the
United States alone, about 107 million people -- over fifty-two percent of
the population -- drink coffee every day. Another 57 million people drink
coffee at least occasionally. (Reynolds School of Journalism, University
of Nevada, Spring 2003). It used to be that coffee was just your grandparents'
thing -- the choice of an older generation. But today, the largest percentage
of coffee drinkers is young adults age 18 to 39.
There's been much debate about the benefits and risks of coffee drinking
overall. It's generally believed that for most people, there's "little
overall risk in consuming up to three normal-sized (6-9 ounce) cups
of coffee per day." (Consumer Reports.org, May 2001). But studies
have shown that there are risks for heavy coffee drinkers, pregnant
women, and possibly people with heartburn, breast lumps, or anxiety
disorders. Heavy consumption may also pose a risk of increased cholesterol
and blood homocysteine levels. It's also possible to become physically
addicted to caffeine even within a short period of time.
But what about using coffee as an energy booster? Is coffee really
helping to pick you up like you think it is? The main ingredient in
coffee is caffeine, which acts as a central nervous system stimulant.
Stimulants can give you a false feeling of energy, causing your body
to experience a "spike and crash" syndrome. They can cause
you to become restless and jittery. When we rely on stimulants for
our energy, we take our bodies on a sort of roller coaster ride. Many
of us wake up tired and drag ourselves to the kitchen to make a pot
of coffee. We drink that first cup and feel like we've been re-charged!
But before we know it, we "crash." You might have felt like
you were on a peak, but then the artificial boost brought you crashing
down like the proverbial roller coaster. And so we reach for another
cup to pick us up again. And the cycle goes on and on. It's no wonder
so many people reach a point in the middle of the afternoon where
they feel so tired that they reach for a candy bar or a caffeinated
or maybe yet another cup of coffee. We're looking for that
energy "high" again.
But this false energy from stimulants is not a healthy choice. It's
important to find healthy ways to energize ourselves; to keep optimal
energy levels naturally and maintain an even keel throughout the day.
If you're using coffee as a "pick-me-up," you'd be much
better switching to a non-stimulant energy producer. Many people use
a natural substance from the beehive called Royal Jelly for added
energy, stamina and vitality.* This type of "natural" energy
is beneficial, because it does not put our bodies on a roller coaster
ride from that "spike and crash" syndrome.
Generally speaking, if you're a moderate coffee drinker -- two to three cups
of coffee per day -- you probably have nothing to worry about when it comes
to your overall health. Heavy coffee drinkers can reduce health risks by switching
to decaf -- which is not a bad recommendation for all coffee drinkers, in
fact! And if you're depending on that cup of coffee for its false energy benefits,
why not try something natural, like Royal Jelly? It's a healthier choice,
for a more lasting energy.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with any natural product, individual results
will vary.
For more information about Bee-Alive or Royal Jelly, please visit
If you purchase Bee-Alive Royal Jelly products, part of the proceeds
support CBN ministries.
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