Dan Miller Articles
By Dan Miller
It's that time of year when the flowers are blooming. The same can be true for your career with these tips from Dan Miller.
We are hearing more and more about company lay-offs from the news media, but life coach Dan Miller says job opportunity still abounds.
Want to start your own business but can't seem to come up with the capital to back it? Dan Miller has a plan.
If you are currently out of work, here's life coach Dan Miller's encouragement on staying productive during the job search.
Don't let the economy get you down; be optimistic about starting over. Here's great advice from life coach Dan Miller.
Desperate times call for creative measures, so don't think you have to 'get practical' in order to find work in today's job environment.
When times are tough and you feel down, be sure you are depositing good things into your life to keep your spirit alive.
Don't let fear hold you back from trying new career ventures this year.
Don't look to external circumstances to determine your future or your state of happiness. Live beyond the short term to find the silver lining.
You might lose your job and your home, but losing hope is a choice. Here's how to stay positive with life coach Dan Miller.
Don't sabotage your career with negative thinking. If you think you can accomplish great things, you can!
Don't create something that will fall apart in only a few short years. Find a better way to keep your customers coming back.
Wouldn't it be great if you could avoid making those costly wrong turns in your life? Life Coach Dan Miller helps you set your course.
Don't get stuck in the economic downturn. Learn how to fly above and get a better view of your situation.
Just because it might be "your job" doesn't mean you should ever consider doing something morally wrong.
Are your current circumstances sign of a blessing or a curse? Perhaps it might be best to withhold judgment for a little while.
Would you do your job for free if time or money weren't the issue?
You might have more options than you think in dire circumstances. Learn how you can fly whatever your vocational plight.
Creative? An artist? Your career path might not be as clear cut, but you can still find great success.
Who will most likely succeed? The one born into wealth, or the one born into adversity? Find out from life coach Dan Miller.
This week, career coach Dan Miller looks to the book of Isaiah for some practical wisdom in following your dreams.
Telecommuting offers both flexibility and efficiency. But some employers are concerned that workers aren't doing their jobs.
These 'five laws of stratospheric success' might be just what you need to re-prioritize your career.
This week, life coach Dan Miller looks at the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people and activities to bring success.
Did you know that God says to us "do not be afraid" more than 300 times in His Word?
Some might say all work is a curse, but career coach Dan Miller begs to differ. He says work should be exciting and fulfilling.
Do you do your work only because of the paycheck you get? Do you long to leave for something more enjoyable?
Climbing the corporate ladder isn't always the good thing if your new, better-paying job doesn't utilize your competencies.
Making your money-generating idea a reality is possible with these tips from career coach Dan Miller.
A lesson in the biblical language puts some perspective on your job, courtesy of career coach Dan Miller.
Are you in a stressful job and the only way you get peace is to completely stop working? Career coach Dan Miller has tips for you.
Learn those telltale signs that pinpoint whether you or someone you know is a sluggard.
Learn how to take those job failures and launch into a new successful venture.
Look for those money-making opportunities. They are likely right under your nose.
Career coach Dan Miller, author of No More Mondays, gives the skinny on today's job market and how you can stay ahead of the curve in this special video presentation. 
What's blocking you from finding your passion and integrating it into your work?
These days you have to think outside the box to grab hold of the best financial opportunities.
If you want success, you have to remove yourself from the status quo and grab hold of some wisdom along to way.
Dan Miller is the bestselling author of 48 Days To The Work You Love and a renowned Life Coach specializing in career fulfillment. His weekly newsletter reaches 70,000 subscribers. Dan’s articles are featured here at CBN on Tuesdays, and you can find out more about Dan at
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