Creator, Body Balancing Physical Training System
Personal Fitness Trainer, 20 years
3-time Mr. Orlando bodybuilding winner
17-time 1st place winner in other competitions
Wife: Cindy; Son, Nathan, 7
Nathan Michaels, age 7 - Tim's son
Miqueas Barreiro, age 12
Mariana Barriero, age 10
Ryder Stewart, age 9
Skye Stewart, age 11
Chase Watts, age 5
Tim Michaels: Fun Fitness for Children
By Mimi Elliott
The 700 Club
For over 20 years, Tim has trained thousands of people (ages seven to 90) with simple, effective fitness techniques. His group classes have provided people with remarkable results every time.
Tim has a real passion to help men, women and children learn healthy eating habits and proper weight training. Over the years, while working with various professional athletes who had kids, Tim trained both the client and the child.
“The kids always looked up to me like a superhero. It was easy to get results for them,” Tim said.
It started a fire in him. At the time, Tim wasn’t married and didn’t have any children.
He prayed to the Lord, “God, I don’t have any kids. I don’t want to be an old guy and not have kids. So I just turned it all over to Him,” he said.
Today, Tim is 52. He met his wife Cindy in 1985, but they broke up for 5 years. Then in 2000, Tim and Cindy got married. Seven years ago, Cindy got pregnant with their son, Nathan.
“I felt like Nathan was special before he was born. I saw an athlete that I could work with when he was just a baby,” Tim said.
When Nathan was 6-weeks-old, Tim started letting him pull on his fingers, using resistance to pull himself up.
“It’s what I did with adults,” Tim said. “When he got old enough to talk, I sat him down and told him about his athletic gifts.”
After Nathan was born, Tim cut down on his hours with clients and started bringing Nathan to work with him.
“I didn’t want to leave him,” Tim said. “I felt God was giving me a blessing because I had someone to work with 24 hours a day.” 
Tim taught Nathan all types of sports including golf, basketball and baseball. Then Nathan started speed skating when he was five and he was fast!
Tim had an idea of producing short vignettes of kids exercising and using Nathan in the video.
“All of the other kids looked up to him and thought it would be a good idea to use him as a great role model,” Tim said. “Kids need someone to show them the way.”
Tim and Cindy came up with Super Healthy Kingdom Kids, which are 1-minute vignettes and are put in shows for kids on National Religious Broadcasters (NRB).
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