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Owner, Lindberg Nutrition, & Nutrition Express, Torrance, CA
Board Member, Nat’l Nutritional Foods Assoc.
Founder & President, American Nutrition Society, South Bay Chap
Member, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
BS, Foods & Nutrition, Pepperdine University
Married to Don, 4 adult children, 12 grands
Aging without Growing Old
(Siloam Press/Strang Communication)
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Recent statistics show that liver disease, including chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis, is the ninth leading killer in North America, causing over 20,000 deaths per year. The liver is responsible for breaking down toxins in the body, including nicotine, alcohol, environmental pollution, and medications. Alcohol causes 80 percent of all liver disease in Western countries. Many people who are moderate drinkers have a fatty liver, indicating liver damage, and milk thistle would be a valuable supplement for them. A safe liver tonic is a valuable addition to any health regimen. Milk thistle is an herbal detoxifier that offers natural protection for the liver, and has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for the liver. The active ingredient contained in milk thistle seed is a bioflavonoid complex called silymarin. Silymarin has regenerative properties that stimulate the growth of new liver cells. It is also a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to be safe and effective in doses of up to 600 mg per day. Several clinical studies show that this medicinal plant stabilizes cell membranes and stimulates protein synthesis. Within the last year Judy saw a miraculous turn-around. A former alcoholic, Debbie was actually on the liver transplant list and very ill. She was receiving hospice care. But Debbie’s siblings came to Judy and asked what they could give to Debbie to help her. Judy recommended milk thistle extract. Some time later Judy saw Debbie at an event, and was happy to learn that Debbie’s condition had drastically improved and she was taken off the transplant list! The hospice workers said she was the only patient that they left standing.
One of the easiest ways to insure you are fighting the effects of aging is to be sure to get all of the anti-oxidants in your vitamin and mineral supplements in adequate potencies. Antioxidant literally means “against oxidation.” They are the “good guys” that continually combat the harmful effects of oxidation in the body. The net result is that they prolong the life of cells, and thus, prolong life itself. Major antioxidants are vitamins A, C and E, beta carotene, alpha lipoic acid and the mineral selenium. Vitamin C: One of the most important functions is the synthesis, formation and maintenance of collagen. Collagen is the “cement” that supports and holds tissues and organs together, much like steel rods used in reinforced concrete. A lack of this cement can cause your skin to sag and make you look older than you really are. Vitamin E: Natural vitamin E is referenced as d-alpha-tocopherol. The “d” means it’s from a natural source. The synthetic kind, “dl”-alpha-tocopherol, is derived from petrochemicals and is much cheaper. Many researchers suggest that vitamin E may have a positive effect on those engaged in strenuous exercise; may be beneficial to circulation, our immune response, and for general protection. Many authorities agree that a person should take 400 IUs to 1200 I Us of vitamin E from natural d-alpha tocopherol daily.
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ACA) prevents oxidative damage. Judy says it’s taken a long time for the concept of free radicals to be accepted as a disease-causing agent. A free radical is just as deadly as a germ, but in a different way. One germ or one radical does not present a grave danger in itself. It is when free radicals multiply and create chain reactions that they cause damage over time, altering bodily functions and causing degenerative diseases that impact aging. Free radicals damage capillary and nerve endings, damage proteins that may create cateracts or damage elastin and collegen that is associated with aging and wrinkles, etc. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, preventing them from causing harm, and alpha lipoic acid is a valuable antioxidant. This supplement protects the liver and detoxifies tissues of heavy metals such as excessive iron and copper, and the toxic metals cadmium, lead, and mercury. Alpha lipoic acid also has the ability to enhance the antioxidant power of vitamins C, E, and glutathione (an amino acid) in the body. Unlike other valuable antioxidants, alpha lipoic acid is the only fat and water-soluble free radical antioxidant; therefore, it is easily absorbed and transported across cell membranes, protecting us against free radicals inside and outside our cells. The typical preventive, daily supplementation range for healthy adults appears to be 100 to 200 mg, depending on weight.
Diabetics (both insulin and non-insulin dependent) will be excited to learn that alpha lipoic acid has been used successfully for about 30 years in Germany, not only to normalize blood sugar levels, but to protect against the damage caused by diabetes. ACA improves the blood flow in nerve tissues, improves glucose utilization in the brain, and improves basal ganglia function. The researchers observed no adverse effects from the high dosage of 600 mg per day for diabetes.
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