Pat's Perspective on The Miracle Mindset
By Pat Robertson
The 700 Club
– The first secret is to have faith in God--to understand that
in God all things are possible. In God, there is no suffering, no sorrow,
no defeat, and no want.
The second secret is to recognize that God has total authority over everything
in this world--over devils, angels, circumstances, and all of the physical
world (see John 14:12). When you stand in His presence, you are standing
in the presence of the One who can fix anything. All He has to do is speak
the word.
The third secret is to learn God's will in any given moment (see Romans
12:1-2, I John 5:14-15). "God, what are You doing in this situation? What
do You want to do?" As you commune with Him and spend time with Him, you
will discover what His intention is (see Psalm 85:8, Hebrews 12:25). Then
agree with it. The Bible says Abraham believed God, "And it was accounted
to him for righteousness" (James 2:23). He assented to the word that was
spoken by God. That is what we must do: Amen God and agree with whatever
He wants to bring about. Abraham agreed with God when God told him he
was going to have a son, even though he and his wife were well past childbearing
age. Instead of doubting or growing weak in faith, the Bible says he "was
strengthened in faith, giving glory to God" (Romans 4:20).
The fourth secret is to disregard your own inability. Don't consider
that the whole world is against you. Don't consider that the task being
assigned to you seems impossible. Don't think only about your own inabilities,
or your previous failures; rather grow strong in faith, giving glory to
God. (See Psalm 84:11, Isaiah 65:24, Jeremiah 32:27, Matthew 19:26).
The fifth secret is to be fully convinced. The Bible tells us that Abraham
" (was) fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to
perform" (Romans 4:21). Abraham was fully convinced. In his spirit, he
not only assented to God but also became fully convinced that what God
had said was going to happen. Being fully convinced is what Jesus talked
about when he said that if you believe, you will receive the thing that
you say (see Mark 11:24). There is something inside you that says, "It's
mine. It is mine. It is mine. Now I have it. There is no question about
it. God has said it, and I believe it. I am fully persuaded. I am not
considering the circumstances. I receive that now!"
Abraham began to live as if he were going to have a son. In time Isaac,
"son of promise," was born.
Such belief cannot come from mere human effort. It comes only from depending
on God, for "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans
10:17). It has to come from the Lord. The attempt to force yourself to
believe will come to nothing. You must use the faith God has given you.
God's help comes to you when you consider Him, when you realize His power,
when you praise Him, when you read His Word, when the Word is quickened
to your heart, and when you have heard His spoken word in your heart saying,
"This is what I am going to do. Believe it!"
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