Does Prayer Work?
By Kimberly Snider
Missionary to the Philippines
- "What other nation is so great as to have their gods near
them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we pray to him?”
(Deuteronomy 4:7).
Last year in Japan I saw something interesting. I visited a large Buddhist
temple. Hundreds of people were there praying. Most of them were asking
for guidance and financial prosperity. They were using joss sticks, throwing
dice, or tossing money onto Buddha’s lap.
At the main altar, people chanted and threw coins. The amount of
the offerings was so great on this day that two monks were using garden
rakes to push the money into the giant coffers of the temple.
I watched the worshippers’ faces. When they left this huge temple,
they were not at peace. I do not think any one of them could have
told me they were certain Buddha had heard them. No one was sure that
their offering had been enough to gain the results they desired.
We are so blessed as Christians. Our God is not deaf, nor dumb. He
does not need joss sticks or dice to speak to His children.
God hears you when you pray. He wants to answer your prayers. He
cannot always do it, though. Sometimes we ask for things that, as
a loving father, He will not give us.
Do you want to know how to get answers from God? Get to know Him.
Read your Bible. Attend church. Enjoy fellowship with other believers.
Then you will begin to understand God’s character and learn how
to pray for things God wants to give you.
"Moments for Moms," a free email subscription. Copyright (c)
2004 Women's
Ministries of the Assemblies of God. Reprinted with permission.
"Moments For Moms" is written by Kimberly Snider, a
missionary to the Philippines and host of the radio program
"Moments for Mothers." The radio program is produced by Asia
Pacific Media Ministries. The online edition, "Moments
for Moms," is produced and distributed by Media Ministries
of the Assemblies of God, Springfield, Missouri.
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