Fall into Reading: Fantastic New Picks for the Season
By Amy Mozombite
Guest Writer As the weather turns crisp and the leaves show off the bright shades of autumn, what a perfect opportunity to curl up with a hot drink, blanket, and new book and read the night away. As always there is a plethora of literature from which to choose. Here are several “hot-off-the-press” books for women.
What Happens When Women Say Yes to God: Experiencing Life in Extraordinary Ways by Lysa TerKeurst
From the very opening sentences, Lysa TerKeurst grabs the reader’s attention. She shares stories of God’s marvelous and personal work in her life as she weaves inspirational thoughts concerning hearing God’s voice, obedience, and other areas in which a “yes” on our part is involved. Complete with Bible study questions finishing off each chapter, Lysa asks hard questions calling women to not just say yes, but to act on that yes to the very core of who they are. You might just have some radical choices to ponder as a result of reading this book.
Fantastic After 40 by Pam Farrel
Just as the title implies, Fantastic After 40, is filled with humor, insights, and wisdom on what it is like to turn 40 and beyond. Covering real topics such as relationships, exercise, health, food, and money, the book goes in depth on how to make life work with God at the center. A manual of sorts for the mid-life women, Pam’s writing spills over with practical tips and laughter, including a little menopause thrown in.
A Women’s Path to True Significance: How God Used the Women of the Bible and Will Use You Today by Beverly LaHaye and Janice Crouse
Focusing on five beautiful biblical women, LaHaye and Crouse develop a strong case for the significance women can embrace. Just like Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary we too can develop an everyday faith setting our focus on God alone. The power of courage, fortitude, wisdom, boldness, devotion, obedience, beauty, endurance, purity, and humility are all unfolded with one of the above women featured. Having read Lahaye before, the depth conveyed was always insightful and forthright; she and Crouse do not treat their subjects lightly.
The Ultimate Experience Makeover: Discovering God’s Transforming Power by Sharon Jaynes
Drawing from women’s enjoyment of beauty regiments, Jaynes shares where a true makeover should begin: transformation in Christ. She takes women on a journey through topics close to our hearts such as wardrobe, weight loss, exercise, and even time at the spa, and relates them to us as spiritual beings with personal anecdotes, stories, scriptural principals, and challenges for us to follow.
Clearly, many non-fiction Christian authors have a passion to see women walking closer to God. There are so many choices from which to choose. If one of the above books does not appeal, Jennifer Rothschild has a new book out entitled Self Talk Soul Talk: What to Say when you Talk to Yourself. This book shares insights on combating the negative self talk and filling it instead with refreshing and truthful words.

Extraordinary Women: Secrets to Discovering the Dream God Created for You by Julie Clinton and Mary M Byers, is also a possibility. The authors inspire women to lead the life God intended. The chapters relate illustrations, examples, prayers, and journaling ideas in areas that women need and desire.
Make this fall be a time of refreshment as the holidays approach. Draw near to God through good literature. Meet a new author or revisit an old friend, some of my mentors are those whom I have met only through writings but have changed my life along the way.
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Amy and her husband David currently serve with MMS Aviation, a mission whose goal is to prepare people and planes for worldwide mission service. An avid reader, Amy has taught reading and writing and has several lesson plans published online. Email her at
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