Lynne Hybels joined her husband, Bill, in starting Willow Creek Community Church in 1975. She has edited many books and is coauthor of Rediscovering Church and Fit to Be Tied. She has been involved in Willow Creek’s ministry partnerships in Latin America and currently serves as an advocate for those affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. The Hybelses live in a suburb of Chicago and have two adult children. |
Nice Girls Don’t Change the World
CBN.com – GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – “Be nice.” A powerful phrase that sticks in the mind. Most Christian women are taught very early in life that they are to be nice. No matter what you are going through, as long as you are nice, everything will work out.
In her thought-provoking new book, Nice Girls Don’t Change the World, author and speaker Lynn Hybels challenges women with the story of her journey from simple niceness to profound Christian passion. In this touching and transparent book, Hybels tells her story of being the wife, mother, and church member who, after living years as a nice girl, started to feel utterly lost to both herself and God.
In Nice Girls Don’t Change the World, Hybels shows how she reached a crossroads in her life and was forced to slow down and rest. It was only through that experience that she regained the passions, gifts, and strengths God gave her.
Hybels says, “Being a good woman means trading the safe, passive, people-pleasing behavior of niceness for the dynamic power of true goodness.”
Margaret Mead recognized that goodness is powerful when she said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.” Hybels’ personal version of that quote is somewhat different and infinitely more powerful, as she states, “Never doubt that a community of thoughtful, committed women, filled with the power and love of God, using gifts they have identified and developed, and pursuing passions planted in them by God—never doubt that these women can change the world.”
As women read Nice Girls Don’t Change the World, they will get a closer look at the personal thoughts, feelings, and actions of a woman who looks like she has it all: a husband with a successful ministry, amazing children, ministry opportunities, and much more. But appearances aren’t everything, and Hybels will both challenge and change readers’ ideas of what a Christian woman truly looks like.
She reveals how turning away from her false view of God as a harsh and demanding taskmaster enabled her to rest at last in God’s sustaining love. As she explains, it’s never too late to discover that who you really are is exactly what delights God and what the world needs. Through Hybels’ life, women will see that change is a welcome and necessary part of living—and that God’s plan for them includes infinitely more than simply being a nice girl.
Courtesy of Zondervan. Zondervan is the leading Christian communications company in the world. Zondervan (a division of HarperCollins Publishers) produces Bibles, books, new media products, gift products from its Inspirio group and children’s products from its Zonderkidz group. Zondervan is on the web at www.zondervan.com.
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