Seventh Day Slumber's Rojas Newly Appointed at Helm of Revolution Generation
Former ZJAM Youth Ministries Renamed And Moving Forward With Continued Teen Outreach
– (Nashville, Tenn.) April 10th, 2007 – ZJAM Youth Ministries has been renamed Revolution Generation with Seventh Day Slumber front man and youth advocate Joseph Rojas appointed at the helm as the CEO and President.
True to ZJAM’s 11 year history, Revolution Generation moves forward in 2007 with a renewed commitment to global youth ministry via the media, discipleship, missions, prayer and God’s Word.
“We are so excited about the future of Revolution Generation. We know that God brought us together with Joseph and Seventh Day Slumber,” says John Young, Executive Director of the ministry organization. “Joseph has the heart, experience and vision to lead this ministry to the next level in the battle for teens. Now is the time and I know we are a part of a greater movement to raise up a new generation of the church.”
Joseph Rojas, has dedicated the last ten years of his life testifying for Christ and the life-changing impact of his own salvation from self-destructive drug and alcohol addictions, and near prison sentence and death. Prior to starting Seventh Day Slumber in 1996 Joseph earned a degree in psychology that helped him to become owner, counselor, and director of a chemical dependency center in Texas. He has also gone to Bible School and is an ordained minister.
“I understand what it means to hurt so badly that suicide seems like the only option,” says Rojas. “I know what it means to be abused, to be addicted, to feel abandoned and empty, hopeless and depressed, lost and confused. But I also understand what it means to be accepted by a King and loved by the creator of the universe. We are a generation who has no clue who we are. Our young people are searching for purpose, a reason to live. We need to get them the message of Jesus Christ at any cost. We need a Revolution!”
Revolution Generation aims to raise up a generation of new leaders and missionaries, as well as reach out to the lost and hurting. This goal is realized through various branches of the organization including a mentorship program, a radio show (265 markets in North America and Europe), a cyber radio station (4000 listeners per month), crisis lines (www.teenhopeline.com with nearly 100,000 teens reached in 2006), discipleship resources, and youth conferences. The event branch will also now expand its reach through the existing ministry of Seventh Day Slumber with a focus on following up with the altar call responses at concerts. The Revolution Generation Team receives 25-35 rape, suicide and abuse calls per week with about 9-12 of those reported to the police. The team leads between 15 to 20 teens to the Lord each week, and sends out over 15,000 Bible studies a day to over 60 countries.
Seventh Day Slumber, comprised of lead man Joseph Rojas, Jeremy Holderfield (guitar), Joshua Schwartz (bass), Ray Fryoux (drums), is known for their powerful altar ministry and ability to bring hope to people in the midst of their struggles. They have seen over 50,000 individuals come to the altar over the past four years, and ministered to 500,000 people. The band has 3 albums to date with their current release Finally Awake, 2003’s Picking Up The Pieces and 2005’s Once Upon A Shattered Life, and have yielded multiple accolades including a Dove nod, a BMI Award, and numerous radio hit singles.
Courtesy of Leanne Bush Public Relations
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