easter songs
Music for Easter Morning
By Hannah Goodwyn
CBN.com Senior Producer
CBN.com This weekend, Christians around the world remember Christ's suffering on the Cross and His resurrection three days later. We reflect on the great price that the Son of God made, bearing the pain of the whip, and the nails through His hands and feet. With grateful hearts, we meditate on the sacrifice He gave, as He took our heavy sins upon His beaten shoulders.
As His modern-day disciples, we praise God -- for Christ has paid the debt of our sin and conquered the grave. Here are just a few songs from Third Day, 2nd Chapter of Acts, and others that tell the Gospel story.
"Hammer No More" by Chronos
Downpour (2005)
In all likelihood, you've never heard of the group, Chronos. And that's a shame because this talented indie band passionately served God through music. Their song "Hammer No More" still resonates with me even today. From the point of view of a guard who helped crucify Jesus, "Hammer No More" forces us to acknowledge our part -- as sinners -- in putting Christ on the Cross.
As I drove the last nails,
the tears washed the blood from my hands
I can see in His eyes, I had murdered an innocent man
After 93 nails, you would think I could drive 94
But tonight I've decided, this soldier will hammer no more
>> Listen to "Hammer No More" on Chronos' MySpace page (#1) 
"He's Alive" by Don Francisco
Forgiven (1993)
Written from the Apostle Peter's perspective, "He's Alive" boldly declares Christ's resurrection. Even after denying knowing the Lord three times, Peter dedicates his life to sharing the Good News. Don Francisco does the same in this moving song from the early 1990s.
He's alive, yes, He's alive
Yes, He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive, yes, He's alive
Oh, He's alive and I'm forgiven
Heaven's gates are open wide
He's alive, yes, He's alive
>> Watch Don Francisco sing "He's Alive" 
"Nothing But the Blood" by Jars of Clay
Redemption Songs (2005)
A favorite hymn by a favorite band: "Nothing but the Blood" by Jars of Clay along with The Blind Boys of Alabama, pairs great music with great Truth.
What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
Oh precious is that flow that makes me white as snow
No other fount I know
Nothing but the blood of Jesus
"Thief" by Third Day
Third Day (1996)
Third Day's been sharing the Gospel with millions of music fans around the world since their first album released in 1996. On that self-titled record is an unforgettable song the band still plays at concerts called "Thief". Lead singer Mac Powell sings these powerful words as if he were the thief who recognized Jesus as Messiah as he hung next to Him on a cross.
Who is this man? This man beside me
They call the King of the Jews
They don't believe that He's the Messiah
But, somehow I know it's true.
And they laugh at Him in mockery,
and beat Him till he bleeds
They nail Him to the rugged cross,
and raise Him, they raise Him up next to me
My time has come, I'm slowly fading
I deserve what I receive
Jesus when You are in Your kingdom
Could You please remember me
and He looks at me still holding on
the tears fall from His eyes
He says I tell the truth
Today, you will live with Me in paradise
>> Watch Third Day perform "Thief" 
"Easter Song" by 2nd Chapter of Acts
Very Best of 2nd Chapter of Acts (2006)
Performed by many artists including Keith Green, "Easter Song" was written by Anne Herring of 2nd Chapter of Acts, a brother/sisters group from decades ago. It's the Gospel message matched with the well-known harmonies of this incredibly talented group. When I think Easter, I think of this song.
Here the bells ringing,
They're singing that you can be born again,
Here the bells ringing,
They're singing Christ is risen from the dead.
The angel up on the tombstone,
Said He has risen, just as He said,
Quickly now, go tell his disciples,
That Jesus Christ is no longer dead.
Joy to the word, He has risen, hallelujah,
He's risen, hallelujah,
He's risen, hallelujah.
>> Watch 2nd Chapter of Acts sing "Easter Song" 
Find peace with God this Easter!
Hannah Goodwyn serves as the Family and Entertainment producer for CBN.com. For more articles, visit Hannah's bio page.
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